Frequently Asked Questions

You have questions? We have answers!
Why should Realtors® partner with ZeroMortgage Select?
For decades, Realtors® and loan officers have worked together for the benefit of the homebuyer. No other party is as invested in the success of the client journey as the Realtor®. So ZeroMortgage wants you to be able to share in the proceeds of the lending process by becoming dedicated partners.
How does the ZeroMortgage Select Joint Venture Partnership work again?
For decades, Realtors® and loan officers have worked together for the benefit of the homebuyer. No other party is as invested in the success of the client journey as the Realtor®. So ZeroMortgage wants you to be able to share in the proceeds of the lending process by becoming dedicated partners.
Am I only supposed to work with homebuyers closing on a new loan?
For decades, Realtors® and loan officers have worked together for the benefit of the homebuyer. No other party is as invested in the success of the client journey as the Realtor®. So ZeroMortgage wants you to be able to share in the proceeds of the lending process by becoming dedicated partners.
How do I know my clients will get the best mortgage for their needs?
For decades, Realtors® and loan officers have worked together for the benefit of the homebuyer. No other party is as invested in the success of the client journey as the Realtor®. So ZeroMortgage wants you to be able to share in the proceeds of the lending process by becoming dedicated partners.
How does the JV Partnership help me build my business?
For decades, Realtors® and loan officers have worked together for the benefit of the homebuyer. No other party is as invested in the success of the client journey as the Realtor®. So ZeroMortgage wants you to be able to share in the proceeds of the lending process by becoming dedicated partners.
What does “Reduced-Commission Loan Officers” mean?
For decades, Realtors® and loan officers have worked together for the benefit of the homebuyer. No other party is as invested in the success of the client journey as the Realtor®. So ZeroMortgage wants you to be able to share in the proceeds of the lending process by becoming dedicated partners.
Is there a cost for me to get started?
For decades, Realtors® and loan officers have worked together for the benefit of the homebuyer. No other party is as invested in the success of the client journey as the Realtor®. So ZeroMortgage wants you to be able to share in the proceeds of the lending process by becoming dedicated partners.
Is the JV Partnership RESPA compliant?
For decades, Realtors® and loan officers have worked together for the benefit of the homebuyer. No other party is as invested in the success of the client journey as the Realtor®. So ZeroMortgage wants you to be able to share in the proceeds of the lending process by becoming dedicated partners.
How long does it take for me to start generating revenue?
For decades, Realtors® and loan officers have worked together for the benefit of the homebuyer. No other party is as invested in the success of the client journey as the Realtor®. So ZeroMortgage wants you to be able to share in the proceeds of the lending process by becoming dedicated partners.
What can I expect to earn?
For decades, Realtors® and loan officers have worked together for the benefit of the homebuyer. No other party is as invested in the success of the client journey as the Realtor®. So ZeroMortgage wants you to be able to share in the proceeds of the lending process by becoming dedicated partners.
How and when do I get paid?
For decades, Realtors® and loan officers have worked together for the benefit of the homebuyer. No other party is as invested in the success of the client journey as the Realtor®. So ZeroMortgage wants you to be able to share in the proceeds of the lending process by becoming dedicated partners.
Why does ZeroMortgage Select want to work with Realtors®?
For decades, Realtors® and loan officers have worked together for the benefit of the homebuyer. No other party is as invested in the success of the client journey as the Realtor®. So ZeroMortgage wants you to be able to share in the proceeds of the lending process by becoming dedicated partners.
What do I need to know about potential risks?
Just as with any business, there is the potential for risk. ZeroMortgage has processes in place for the protection of both sides of the JV partnership:
  • Fraud: you would be equally liable for any fraud that occurs under the JV. For this, we have a compliance department that oversees the operation and all resulting transactions to minimize liability for all parties.
  • Expenses: Mismanagement of the budget will hold the entity responsible for any deficit. We understand and run it efficiently.
  • EPOs: the Joint Venture will be responsible to return commissions earned in a case of an early loan payoff triggered by an early refinance of the client, a sale of the home in less than 180 days post-loan closing, or a general loan payoff initiated by the customer.
  • Litigation: the Joint Venture will be responsible to return commissions earned in a case of an early loan payoff triggered by an early refinance of the client, a sale of the home in less than 180 days post-loan closing, or a general loan payoff initiated by the customer.
What if I have more questions?
We would love to hear from you! Contact our friendly and knowledgeable staff at to be connected with a ZeroMortgage representative who can answer all of your questions.
How do I get started?
Simply head on over to to sign up! See you there!